
Club competitions are held once a month.  Each competition has a set subject,

with several competitions throughout the year having an open section as well.

External judges are invited to assess members’ work, although occasionally a

club member is invited to do this task.

Each competition is divided into:
• Prints
• EDI (Electronic Digital Image), which is projected on to a screen

An ‘Image of the Competition’ is awarded to the image in any category that is

considered by the judge to be the outstanding image of the competition.

Prints are submitted to the Competition Secretary at meetings.

EDIs are submitted via Competition Image Upload, located under the

Competitions tab (above).   All images to be received by the Competition Secretary

by the due dates as per the syllabus.  Members are to ensure their submissions are

correctly labelled as per the competition rules.

In December each year the Image of the Year is announced.

Members are invited to submit their images – refer to Competition Rules,

located under Competitions tab (above), for further guidelines on eligibility

of images, and to the syllabus for due date for submission to the Competition Secretary.